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List My Pickup Hockey Game

How to List a Pickup Hockey Game

  1. Log into your account. If you're not an organizer, you can become an organizer by updating your account.
  2. Click on the button in the upper right-hand corner of the site, labeled with your name.
  3. Click Organizer Dashboard on the dropdown menu. You can learn more about the organizer dashboard here.
  4. Click the 'Add Individual Game' link in the left navigation pane.
  5. Complete the 'Skate Time' form. You can hover over the field labels to learn more about each field.
  6. Click the 'Add Skate Time' button to list your game.

Example of Add Skate Time Screen

Understanding Payments

The payment type field allows you to choose how you want player payments to be handled. There are 3 payment types:

  • Online Payments - Allows players to pay for game immediately online.
  • Free - No payment required.
  • Pay at Door - Payment due at skate time.

Online Payment Fees

  • Hockey Finder charges a 5% transaction fee (minimum of $1) on transactions when using the online payment method. The 5% fee covers credit card transaction fees (currently 2.9% + $ .30) with the remainder going to Hockey Finder to maintain the site.
  • Please Note: The Hockey Finder transaction fee is not refundable.
  • You can view status of payments for games that you have organized by clicking on the 'View Payout Status' link in the left navigation pane.

Online Payment Fee Breakdown Examples

Example 1:
  • Player Payment Total $16.00
  • Hockey Finder Fee: $1.00. This fee includes:
    • Credit Card Processing Fees: $.76
    • Hockey Finder Commission: $.24
  • Total Payment to Organizer: $15.00
Example 2:
  • Player Payment Total: $30.00
  • Hockey Finder Fee: $1.50. This fee includes:
    • Credit Card Processing Fees: $1.17
    • Hockey Finder Commission: $.33
  • Total Payment to Organizer: $28.50

Private Games

You can choose to make your game private. Only players in your private list will see your game and be able to sign-up. You will need to setup a private list before you can assign it to your pickup game.

Adding Multiple Games

If you have a game that is played weekly, you can configure it once and have Hockey Finder create the games for the upcoming weeks automatically. The 'Repeat Game' section allows you to make a copy of the current game and schedule it for the number of weeks specified. To use this feature, choose a value from the 'Repeat for additional' drop down and check 'Repeat Game' check box.

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