action: hockey-tournament-friendly-days

      Don't Delay! Registration closes Friday, May 10th!

      • Dates: Friday June 7th - Sunday June 9th. Teams will likely play one game Friday, two Saturday and one Sunday. Tournament will wrap up around 3pm Sunday. Subject to change based on demand.
      • Times: Games days will run approximately Friday 6-9:30pm, Saturday 10am-4pm, Sunday 10am-4pm
      • Location: STMA Ice Arena, Albertville MN
      • Who: Co-ed, adults 18 and older
      • Cost: $69 for skaters, $59 for goalies - 4 games guaranteed

      More Tournament Details:

      • Brackets- 4 teams per skill bracket - Number of brackets/skill level ranges determined by demand. Our goal is to have three divisions of 4 teams but can accommodate more if the demand is there. The more the merrier!
      • Individual based sign up only, no team team registrations (Teams are randomly created based on player skill levels - Players can request to play with a friend so long as they end up in the same division. While not likely, we reserve the right deny requests if it affects the balancing of teams.)
      • Skill Level Definitions
      • Full ice 5 on 5. Maximum of 13 players and one goalie per team
      • Players must have a WHITE and DARK jersey (preferably HF league jerseys). Jersey sets available for $29.99 (2 jerseys)
      • All games have 2 officials

          Sign in or create an account to register for this league.


              All games on June 9th - 11th, 2024 at STMA Arena in Albertville MN

            Tournament Sponsors

          • Registration for Spring Open Now!